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Sennen, super low tide (2016-11-15) Orb at Penta di Casinca (old south facing CAM)

Snow joke - Longmont
Penta di Casinca temperature inversion - see Italian islands and coast!
Penta di Casinca - finally snow! (2018-02-26) (new south facing CAM) Penta di Casinca - Brrrrr...... (2018-02-28)

Terrible hail storm, N7DR (2018-06-20) Sunset, Mt. Mitchell (2018-12-22)

Bermuda (2019-01-16)
Cruise Ship pollution, Bermuda (2019-04-30)

WNC cloud (2019-05-25)
WNC sunrise (2019-06-29)
Moonshine over WNC, 3am
Squirly staring at camera (2019-06-15)
Moonshine over WNC, 3am (2019-12-12)
Mt. Mitchell long shot (2020-01-29) Chow! (2020-08-08)
Coming soon (yyyy-mm-dd) Coming soon (yyyy-mm-dd)